October 7, 2013

Rustic Tote Bag

Hai, hai all

I like to post my fave tote bag. Why is it become my favorite? Because I love the fabric, I love the leather handle, but especially, I love it because I made it.

Tote bag ini lumayan besar, cukuplah untuk membawa segala perlengkapan tempurku+mainan Farrel anakku kalau kita lagi jalan-jalan. Oya, ada kaitan kuncinya juga, soalnya paling malas kalau harus ngerogoh-rogoh tas untuk mencari kunci.

Newspaper fabric-nya aku beli secara online. But I forget the name of online shop. Haha, sudah lama banget soalnya itu kain dibeli, diendapkan, dan baru dijahit. I always do that, impulsive untuk beli kain-kain lucu. Padahal belum punya ide mau diapakan.

So, ini dia penampakan tasnya, enjoooooy...


Hello world..

Hai, hai,

Welcome in my new blog. I have another blog, special for my bento creation, u can check it here. Beside bento, I have another passion, sewing!! But, like bento, I like to sew since I have a son. That little boy really change me :D

So, enjoy my Journey in sewing ya!!
